CLOSED. REGISTRATION CLOSED. Breakfast seminar 22 February about GDPR and the demands that the data protection scheme puts on corporate archives, arranged by the Centre for Business History and the law firm Setterwalls.
We cover how the new legislation around GDPR (General Data Protection Resolution) affect corporate archives and what it says you can save when it comes to personal data. (Spoiler: You’ll be able to continue to save almost as before. In fact, a well-structured archive helps your overall GDPR_work. We explain how.) Come and meet:
- Senior counsel Anders Ackebo, Setterwalls, about how a well-kept corporate archive with structured personal data helped a Swedish insurance company pay out claims to a large American fund.
- Andreas Blüme, responsible for digital services at the Centre for Business History, about how working with your corporate archive is the way to GDPR-compliance.
- Partner Sophia Spala and associate Emma Jarkell, Setterwalls, about how correct archive management can simplify your adaptation to GDPR.
- When: 22 February, 08.30-09.30am (breakfast served from 8am).
- Where: Setterwalls Advokatbyrå, Sturegatan 10, Stockholm
An event co-arranged by: