Support and strengthen Nationella arkivdatabasen (NAD, Sweden’s national archive database). That is the message in the debate article (SvD April 30) that Alexander Husebye, CEO of the Centre for Business History, has co-authored.
NAD, Sweden’s national archive database, is one of the most important ways into the Swedish archive systems. It was once created by the National Archives, which still operates it, but does so without specific directives from the principal state or with earmarked funds. In practice, this has led to a slow dismantling of the NAD.
A closure would be a loss not only for the country’s archives and for Sweden as a research nation, say our CEO Alexander Husebye and 11 other representatives of archival institutions and archival associations in a debate article in Svenska Dagbladet on April 30.
The initiator of the debate article is the Svenska Arkivförbundet (Swedish Archives Association).