
All about History Marketing Summit 17

More companies use their own history as leverage for future development. At the History Marketing Summit 2017 they shared how they work with their history, to improve today’s marketing, organization and product development.

This year’s History Marketing Summit took place 3 Oct 2017 at Nalen in Stockholm. We filmed all presentations from Swarovski, Levi’s, Alecta, Systembolaget, Ersta Diakoni, ICA, Svenskt Tenn and Sven-Harrys Art Museum.  The day started with an overview of the concept “history marketing” from Anders Sjöman at the Centre for Business History, who arranged the conference.

Anders Sjöman: This is history marketing

(In Swedish). The trend continues: more and more companies see the value in using their own history to strengthen their brands. Anders Sjöman from the Centre for Business History opened the conference with an onverview of what had happened since last year’s History Marketing Summit. (If you don’t want to see the movie, read Anders’ latest text about the state of history marketing today.

Stephanie Bonsack: How Swarovski works with its history

(In English.) Stephanie Bonsack, head of corporate archives at the Austrian crystal giant Swarovski talked about the company’s archives, how it’s organized and how it’s positioned in the company.  (If you don’t have time to see her whole presentation, at least see this short film about the Swarovski Corporate Archive.)

Here’s more from Stephanie’s presentation.

Tracey Panek: How Levi Strauss & Co works with its history

(In English.) Tracey Panek, corporate historian and brand guardian at Levi’s, talked among other things about how the company uses its history to solidify its place as the creator of the “blue jeans”. (Don’t want to see the whole film? Then read this interview with Tracey from Vogue in 2016.)

Here’s more from Tracey’s presentation.

Martin Hedensiö: How Alecta works with its history

(In Swedish.) In 1917, SPP was founded. Today Swede’s know it as Alecta. For 100 years, the pension company has been a corner stone of the Swedish safety system. Martin Hedensiö, head of communiction for Alecta, talked about how Alecta uses its history, both during its centennial but also more generally as part of the company’s general communication platform. (Here’s Alecta’s historical website which Martin talks about in the film.)

Here’s more from Martin’s presentation.

Anna Larsson: How Systembolaget works with its history

(In Swedish.) Anna Larsson, head of store communication at Systembolaget, the state run liquor store monopoly, explained how important it is that all coworkers at Systembolaget knows the origin of the monopoly and its full history. This so they can explain today’s situation to customers, and give the right context to the exclusive right that Systembolaget has to sell alcohol in Sweden.  (The films and articles that new employees are shown during their introduction courses are publicly available on Systembolaget’s historical web site.)

Here’s more from Anna’s presentation

Stefan Nilsson: How Ersta diakoni works with its history

(In Swedish.) Since 1851, Ersta diakoni – or “The Deaconry of Ersta”, in loose translation – has taken care of people in exposed and fragile life situations. Ersta has often led the way both in medical care and social work – but sometimes also fallen behind its times. Stefan Nilsson, direktor and head of Ersta Diakoni, told about how Ersta uses the lessons of the past for today’s decisions. (The history of Ersta Diakoni can also be explored in the book “Se människan!” – Ecce Homo or See the Person, in translation – from Buiness History Publishing.)

Here’s more from Stefan’s presentation.

Eva Burén and Björn Olsson: How ICA works with its history

(In Swedish.) In 1917, Hakon Swenson had an idéa about “free shop keepers in cooperation”. Eva Burén, information director at ICA-handlarnas Förbund, and Björn Olsson, communication director at ICA Gruppen, explained how leading retailer ICA uses its history to keep that idea alive, whether is a anniversary year or not. (Hakon’s “impossible idea” is also explained on ICA’s historical web site, built by the Centre for Busienss History.)

Here’s more from Eva’s and Björn’s presentation.

Thommy Bindefeld: How Svenskt Tenn works with its history

(In Swedish.) Thommy Bindefeld, marketing and creative director at Svenskt Tenn, talked about the link between a unique corporate history and a company’s activities today. One example is how Svenskt Tenn continues to develop products from its historical archives with today’s designers.

Here’s more from Thommy’s presentation.

Hanna Dunér: The thing about openness and transparency

(In Swedish.) Business journalist Hanna Dunér, whose articles appear in leading Swedish newspapers Dagens Industri and Svenska Dagbladet, had listened to all presentations of how companies “worked with their history”. She closed the conference with a few words about what she had heard – and about the thing about openness and transparency.

Here’s more from Hanna’s presentation.

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