“Sveriges moderna ekonomiska historia” (“Sweden’s modern economic history”, in loose translatiion) is a new tv-series in eight episodes, made by us at the Centre for Business History and public service channel Utbildningsradion (UR; Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company) and that is now available online at UR Play.
The series covers the period 1864 (when Sweden gets freedom of business) until 2001 (dot-com days), and each episode is based on a year and an event in that year that proved to be particularly important for Swedish business history. The episode on 1874 starts with telco giant Ericsson’s founding, while 1938 starts with the signing of the Saltsjöbadsavtalet.
The script was written by the Centre for Business History’s Anders Houltz and Anders Sjöman, who also share presenting each episode.
The series is based on an idea from public service channel UR’s Ola Karlsson and Anders Sjögren, who also managed the production. The entire series can be seen online via UR Play from now and will also be broadcast on public service channel Kunskapskanalen, starting May 15.