Welcome to a webinar on Jewish business and culture in the rise of modern Europe.
Benito Peix Geldart, Maja Hultman and Anders Houltz, editors of a recent issue of the journal Jewish Culture and History, discuss new research at the intersection of business history and Jewish studies.
The talk will focus on the contents of the theme issue, where invited researchers from different countries investigate the connections between Jewish entrepreneurship and local, national and European development. They ask questions about how Europe’s relationship with Jews throughout history has affected the day-to-day operations of companies and how the business itself in various contexts has come to constitute a platform for cultural interaction between Jews and non-Jews.
Ph.d. Benito Peix Geldart and associate professor Anders Houltz are researchers at the research centre of the Centre for Business History. Ph. d. Maja Hultman is a post-doc at the Department of Historical Studies and CERGU (Centre for European Research) at the University of Gothenburg and visiting researcher at the Centre for Business History.