Online services

What you can find online already

Much of the archive material has already been used. You can find much of it, for instance, on the corporate websites we’ve built for customers. And in the research sites we’ve built after specific research projects, such as the one about the Brothers Nobel in Russia.

Search the digitized collections

CfN Online is our digital archive that is made accessible directly online. It contains a digitalized selection of our physical source material. We currently supply digital material from these businesses and organistations: Craftsmen of Stockholmthe Fire Insurance OfficeEricsson´s ventures in Spain and Sources to Swedish Business History in Russia. Please note that a lot of the information available is in Swedish. 

Historical websites

For more digital material you can visit the historical websites we’ve helped create with source material from the archives.

 We have much in our archives, but not everything. Here are other archive institutions to turn to for more research:

  • The Swedish National Archives, resposnible for governmental and public archive activity. Its archives are primarily from government agencies and public institutions, but also contain private and corporate archives. To find which archives they have, use the National Archive Database, NAD.
  • Stockholm City Archive is a dedicated archive for the City of Stockholm.
  • More Stockholm-history is available at the Stockholm City Museum.
  • Local city- and muncipality archives exist across the country.  The regional archives called “Landsarkiv” report to the National Archives and their archives are often searchable via their home pages.

Service Desk

Our service desk for member companies, researchers and the interested public