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Come visit us!

Does your company have its archive with us and needs help retrieving content? Or are you a researcher? Or want bring a school class for a visit? No matter which, just get in touch with us. Book time in our research room in Bromma if you want. There’s plenty of material online too.

How does it work to research the archives you manage?

At the Centre for Business History’s facilities in Bromma, outside Stockholm, there are over 7,000 corporate archives. Many of them are owned by the depositing company. To research those archives, you will need the company’s permission. We will help you apply for that permission.  Once it has been granted, you can conduct your research in our reading room. Contact our service desk, preferably via mail, and we’ll help you.
Read more on how it works to research our archives.

Which archives do you have and are some of them accessible online?

There are over 70,000 shelf meters of material in our archive facilities. Most of the material belongs to still active companies, and we are thus in effect their outsourced archive function. In addition, there is a large amount of “owner-less material” that came to us from now defunct businesses. 
Here are all the archives we manage. 

Material that has been digitized and made available can be found at CfN Online or on any of the websites we’ve built for different companies.
Read more about digitized material and historical websites. 

I’m looking for already published business books. Can you help?

Our extensive business library contains corporate monographies, business biographies and much more. You can search online in our library database Sigfrid (named after the legendary business leader Sigfrid Edström, b. 1870). If you find the titles you’re looking for, then book time in our reading room. We can only offer on-site loans, so you can’t take the books home with you.
Search our library database

Can I visit with a group?

Yes! We often welcome groups who want to learn more about Swedish business history or how a business archive functions. 
Read more about booking group visits.

We are particularly fond of welcoming school classes. We give lectures on Swedish business history and selected companies – and we show how an archive works and also give lessons in how to do research. Hello school classes! Come visit us!

Questions? Contact us!

Service Desk

Our service desk for member companies, researchers and the interested public

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