Our statutes
The Centre for Business History in Sweden is organized as a non-profit association. Our members, primarily companies and organizations, are also our owners. Our mission – to preserve and present business history – comes from the first paragraph of our statutes.
Read our statutes (in Swedish)
We finance our activities through membership fees and commercial services, that we offer our members and other companies. To be able to offer these commercial services, we operate the service company, Centrum för Näringslivshistoria AB, wholly owned by the non-profit association Centrum för Näringslivshistoria. Our research projects are financed by external trusts and research grants.
We are not linked to any specific university or organization. We are politically independent and all our work is based on scientific, historical grounds. We are the Centre for Busines History in Stockholm.
Our board of directors
The CEO of the Centre of Business History in Stockholm answers to the board of directors. The board is elected at the annual general meeting (AGM), normally held in May, where all members of the association are entitled to vote. The board composition should be such that it represents both member companies, academia and business in general.
- Lena Andersson-Skog, Professor of Economic HIstory, University of Umeå
- Martin von Arronet, SVP Corporate Communications, Electrolux
- Eva Burén, head of information, ICA-handlarnas förbund
- Fredrik Erfelt, deputy head of economic policy, Stockholm Chamber of Commerce
- Lennart Francke, Senior Advisor
- Sven Ljungberg, entrepeneur
- Elisabeth Lundberg, entrepreneur
Lo Bäckström, Manager Strategic target groups, The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
- Carin Bergh Wihed, Chairman, Företagens Historia, Uppsala
- Andreas Åström, Policy Director, Installatörsföretagen
Board alternate
- Anders Edholm, Senior Vice President Communications, SCA
- Anders Thelin, Counsel, Swedish Trade Federation
- Magnus Andersson, partner, Skeppshultcykeln
- Tobias Pettersson, auktoriserad revisor, PWC