New book:
HSB and housing politics 1997-2022

“HSB and Swedish housing politic 1997-2022” is the seventh edition in the series about HSB’s development. since 1922. It picks up the story where HSB legend Owe Lundevall’s previous six releases left off. The book was made on behalf of HSB by us at the Center for Business History.

Ove Lundewall, a veteran at cooperating housing association HSB, wrote during the 1990s, sex volumes about HSB and Swedish housing politics, “HSB och bostadspolitiken“. His last volume ended in 1997. This year, as HSB celebrates 100 years, it asked us at the Centre for Business History to write a new volume, covering the last 25 years. 

As the publication coincides with HSB’s centenary, the book ends with an overview of the organization’s long and eventful history. An organization that for 100 years shaped, developed and contributed to the good living for millions of Swedes.

The book is largely based on HSB’s own historical archive material which is deposited with us at the Center for Business History. The archive is unique in Sweden with material from and about the Swedish housing market spanning over 100 years. The archive contains documents such as letters, notes, protocols, investigations, purchase documents and, not least, photographs. Thanks to the archive and the role HSB has played in society, the book (and its predecessors) provides a fascinating and in-depth insight into the development of the Swedish housing market – and Swedish housing policy.

About the book’s content

The years 1997–2022 are characterized by two clear periods, the first when HSB “recaptures the difference” and the second by a thorough journey of change. In the spring of 1997, HSB got its first female union president – Gun-Britt Mårtensson. During her tenure as chairman for ten years, HSB began extensive work to clarify HSB’s unique role in the Swedish housing market. A role that is based on the five fundamental core values Commitment, Safety, Sustainability, Care and Cooperation.

The major change journey took its starting point in three clear global trends: digitalisation, regulatory compliance and sustainability. Digitizing the business has been an important tool to be able to maintain competitiveness. And in order to finance this necessary development work, large resources have been required. This in turn led to HSB nationally getting a new organizational structure in 2017.

Project team at Centre for Business History

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