The project Transporthistoriska underlag (in loose translation, “Transport historical data” will hold its third workshop on the theme “Digital accessibility and mediation”.
The pilot project Transporthistoriska underlag is done in collaboration between us at the Centre for Business History and SMTM, Statens maritima och transporthistoriska museer (Swedish National Maritime and Transport Museums), and financed by Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration). The purpose is to compile historical material and research about road, rail and aviation, as well as to find new forms for making available and using the historical sources.
Participants: Charlotte Hagström, SMTM/LU, Anders Houltz and Anders Sjöman, Centre for Business History in Stockholm, Martin Linde and Jonas Hedberg, Tekniska museet, Jenny Attermark och Anders Lindeberg-Lidvet, Tekniska museet.
For more information and registration, contact project manager Anders Houltz at