Our quarterly magazine Företagshistoria (“Business History”) won Swedish Magazine Award 2019 for “Remake of the Year”. Företagshistoria is Sweden’s only business history magazine.
Every year, the industry association Sveriges Tidskrifter (“Swedish Publications,” in loose translation) awards the best magazines and newspapers of the previous year. This year, our quarterly magazine Företagshistoria was awarded “Remaked of the Year”, with the jury motivation:
“A transformation that brings back the lust
for unusual form and magazine making.
Far from standardized processes and automated
expressions. The rest is history.”
Företagshistoria’s departing editor Anders Landén, its art director Åsa Kax Ideberg and publisher Anders Sjöman accepted the award at the annual Publications Gala on 6 November at Cirkus in Stockholm.
Företagshistoria tells about the people, events, products and companies that have shaped Swedish business history. Read about the successes and failures, the extravagances and the innovations. Företagshistoria is a publication from our own publishing arm, Business History Publishing, comes with four issues a year and can be subscribed to or bought online or in news stands.
Subscribe to Företagshistoria here!