New book celebrates
Swedish-Brazilian business history

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The Swedish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in São Paulo celebrates 70 years with the new book "Sweden in Brazil - A Story of Passion for Business and People", produced and published by Business History Publishing.

The Swedish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in São Paulo celebrates 70 years with the new book “Sweden in Brazil – A Story of Passion for Business and People”, produced and published by Business History Publishing.

This year Swedish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce – or Swedcham Brazil – celebrates 70 years. But Swedish companies have been passionate about Brazil for much longer than that. They have been eager participants in the country’s development, bringing with them ideas, technologies, leadership styles, corporate cultures – and above all, people. Together, pioneering Swedes and Brazilians have created a legacy of productivity, technical excellence and innovation across the country – on which today’s Swedish companies in Brazil continue to build.

The stories of these companies and their passion for business in Brazil are the focus of the new book “Sweden in Brazil – A Story of Passion for Business and People” (Business History Publishing, 2023). In longer texts, Swedish entrepreneurs and diplomats, who have been active for many years in Brazil, also share their experiences.

The book’s introduction is written by Queen Silvia, who highlights personal memories from growing up in Brazil as well as experiences from official visits to the country – not least connected to the World Childhood Foundation, which the Queen founded in 1999 and which has one of its four world offices in São Paulo .

The book was launched on Tuesday 21 March at Swedcham Brazil’s 70th anniversary party in São Paulo, with speeches from Sweden’s ambassador Karin Wallensteen, Swedcham’s chairman Sergio Quiroga da Cunha, Swedcham’s CEO Jonas Lindström – and with a packed party room with over 100 Swedish and Brazilian business leaders.

The book is now being released first in an English version, with a Brazilian version coming later in the year.

Book’s project team
  • Editor: Anders Sjöman
  • Texts: Yuri Gomes, Miranda Okello and Jonas Lindström from Swedcham Brazil; Henrik Brandão Jönsson (football essay); and with additional texts by Anders Sjöman.
  • Image editor: Margarita Feldman
  • Art direction: Åsa Kax
  • Fonts: Motiva Sans and Tenez by by Brazilian designer Rodrigo Saiani, Plau.
  • Print: Mentor Media, Brazil, part of Swedish printing house Elanders Group.

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