Anders Sjöman

Uppdrags- och kommunikationschef, vice vd

Anders Sjöman is VP Communication at Centre for Business History in Stockholm. He loves to highlight the history of companies and businesses, especially when they help us understand current events.

Den digitala läsesalen som Centrum för Näringslivshistoria nu lanserar finns på

”Digital reading room”, new webservice for access to digital archive material

We have built a digital reading room – for online searches directly into digital corporate archives.

We made a film about cement and concrete

On assignment from Heidelberg Materials Cement Sweden, we have made a film about the history of the Swedish cement industry.

Företagshistoria and BizStories awarded Industrial Heritage Publications of the Year!

Our quarterly magasin Företagshistoria and its sister site has been awarded Industrial Heritage Publication of the Year 2023 by the Swedish Industrial Heritage Association….

Jenny Stendahl about Reimersholmes Spritfabrik

History marketing at Business History Conference and Harvard Business School

At the annual science conference, he will share how we work with business archives as part of cultural heritage – for the good of both each company and Sweden’s cultural heritage.

Anniversary Seminar #2: How do we know what we know? Archives as source of knowledge.

Our second Anniversary Seminar focuses on the role of archives for research and society – and all the research that has been done in our member companies’ archives over the years.

Anders Houltz, editor for issue 85/2023 of Nordic Journal of Settlement History and Built Heritage

Our head of research, Anders Houltz, is editor for the latest issue of the Nordic Journal of Settlement History and Built Heritage (Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift)

Meet our new head of school programs: Charlotta Skorup

Our new head of school programs, Charlotta Skorup, makes some reflections on the Centre for Business History and our school outreach.

Anders Houltz. Foto: Alexander Ruas.

Anders Houltz presents article about business life during the pandemic at the Stockholm School of Economics

Anders Houltz, our head of research presents the article “Exogenous Shock Triggers Organizational and Structural Change. The impact of Covid-19 on the Swedish Business Sector”, together with co-authors Ph.D. Rikard Björnemalm and Professor Hans Sjögren.

Love and power: Historical business couples

On Valentine’s Day, our Anders Sjöman shares known and unknown love stories in Swedish business life at a lecture at the Economy Museum.

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