We have two nominations
for the Publishing Prize 2023!

We at the Centre for Business History, with our publishing arm Business History Publishing House, have received two nominations for the Publishing Prize 2023! The anniversary magazine “Om och om igen – Svenska Retursystem, sedan 1997″ and the book “Vägen – Berättelsen om Skeppshultcykeln” are nominated in the Print category. Winners will be announced on November 8.

Publishingpriset, (The Publishing Prize) has been awarded since 1990 and is an annual jury-judged competition “for commendable editorial and marketing communication”. The jury consists of active communicators such as photographers, graphic designers, film producers, journalists and editors.

Our nominations:

Om och om igen – Svenska Retursystem, sedan 1997

Category: Personnel and business magazines

Svenska Retursystem (SRS, The Swedish Return System), started through a unique collaboration between the largest actors in the food industry. To mark its 25 years anniversary, the company asked us to produce this publication in which some of the company’s committed employees talk about the business, how it started and how it has evolved – and what its future may hold.


Vägen – Berättelsen om Skeppshultcykeln

Category: Anniversary writings and organizational history

In Skeppshult in Småland, bicycles have been manufactured for at least 111 years. Among Swedish bicycle manufacturers, the factory is today the only one to build bicycles from scratch. The Skeppshult cycle combines innovation and tradition in a successful way and the brand is associated with small scale, craftsmanship and quality but also modern methods. This writing tells about the path from founder Albert Samuelsson’s small repair shop at the beginning of the 20th century to the bicycle factory of today and tomorrow.

Buy the book here


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